Multiple Tooth Implant![]() What Kind of Implants are Available to You?If you have sustained tooth loss, then you have several options to help restore your smile. A removable partial denture is one of the most common ways to treat the loss of multiple teeth. This kind of dental implant works by using clamps onto nearby healthy teeth, and they are meant to fit tightly onto the adjacent teeth of the missing teeth. One common issue with this sort of implant is that in some patients, the pressure caused by the fit of the dental implant may cause jawbone deterioration. Another traditional method of replacing multiple missing teeth is the use of multiple tooth-supported fixed bridges. This particular method has grown out of favor due to the fact that it can have many of the same issues that a removable partial dental implant does, but to a larger extent, due to the range of pressure it exerts on the surrounding teeth. These days, the preferred treatment for multiple missing teeth is the use of the implant-supported dental bridge. The benefits of this procedure, compared to its counterparts, are manyfold. An implant-supported dental bridge, as the name suggests, does not rely on neighboring teeth to support the dental bridge. This means that many of the pitfalls with the other two aforementioned alternatives are mitigated or completely irrelevant. This includes dental benefits such as preventing the deterioration of the underlying bone that is seen in both of the other alternative procedures. Furthermore, they are more comfortable on average, they can help keep the gum line of the patient intact - as there are not any metal clasps to wear on them – and, finally, they have no effect on the adjacent teeth. Other Implant Options for PatientsImplant-supported dental bridges are generally the preferred method of treating the loss of multiple teeth, but that does not mean that the other methods are completely irrelevant. If a patient suffers from low bone density, very poor oral health, or has had an adverse reaction to a previous dental implant, it may be the preferred choice to go with a tooth-supported bridge or a removable partial denture. Bone grafts or ridge augmentations can help restore bone mass at the site. Making a decision on how to best treat the loss of multiple teeth involves a few factors, but fortunately, with a call to us here at (Capital Dental Center), our experts will be able to give you the best advice to get your smile back to its original shine. To learn more, please call or text us at 202-978-8778 today. |
Capital Dental Center