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Night Mouthguards

Opaque white mouthgaurdA night mouthguard may be the perfect solution for you if you find yourself grinding and clenching your teeth at night. This is a common issue that many people suffer from, and it results in tooth pain, broken teeth, and even TMJ if left untreated. Our team at Capital Dental Center can answer your questions about a night mouthguard and help you find the right one that is durable, comfortable, and fits you well. 

Helping With TMJ

Wearing a mouthguard at night can help prevent temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ. This joint can affect all the muscles you use to chew and the joints that combine the skull and the jaw together. While several conditions can cause this disorder, one common cause is known as bruxism, which is the pressure from grinding or clenching your teeth. Since this happens more often at night, a night mouthguard is a great way to treat it. 

Prevent The Wearing Down of Teeth

Our office can help you choose a night mouthguard that will prevent teeth wear over time. While you may not notice your teeth wearing down, a quick exam will show us whether this is happening. Once the protective enamel wears down and is gone, your teeth will be more prone to cavities, fracturing, and other problems. A night mouthguard will help protect against this happening and will provide protection for your teeth.

Prevents Tooth Pain

If you are someone who often grinds their teeth at night, then tooth pain is something you may have come into our office with concerns about. Experiencing tooth pain that does not come from cavities can be a sign of teeth grinding. It may also result in damage to the enamel or a fracture in the teeth that you are not able to see. Our dentists can help fix the fracture and then fit you with a mouthguard that will help prevent any further damage. 

Prevents Crown or Tooth Cracking

The simple act of grinding and clenching your teeth at night, something that most people are not aware of, can cause enough pressure to crack and break the tooth. While the teeth can handle some pressure when you eat and bite down on things, they are not really designed to handle long-term pressure from grinding or clenching your teeth. This can cause some major harm to the teeth, which results in serious cracking and fractures that our office will notice right away upon our initial exam.

A night mouthguard is one of the best ways to prevent some of the common tooth and mouth issues mentioned above. A lot of people grind and clench their teeth at night, some without knowing until they wake up with a sore jaw in the morning. 

Our teeth are not meant to handle this, but a good night mouthguard can take some of the pressure off and protect our jaws and teeth. When you are ready to get your own night mouthguard and protect your teeth, be sure to call or text Capital Dental Center at 202-978-8778 today.

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Capital Dental Center, 1712 I St NW #1000, Washington, DC 20006 ~ 202-978-8778 ~ ~ 9/30/2024 ~ Page Phrases: dentist Downtown Washington DC ~