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Single Tooth Implant

Diagram of dental implant with postIf you happen to be missing a tooth, you might be worried about what sort of procedures are available to you and what they might be like. One common method of treating patients that are missing a single tooth is the aptly named single tooth implant. This procedure replaces both the actual tooth that was lost, as well as its associated root. During your consultation with our dentists at Capital Dental Center, we will be able to help determine if this is the right procedure for you. We will also be able to provide you with specially tailored information just for you, giving you more comprehensive information about whether single tooth implants are ideal for you and if they can give you back your healthy, happy smile.

What are the Advantages of a Single Tooth Implant?

Single tooth implants boast a variety of advantages over other common dental procedures used to remedy a single tooth loss. Single tooth implants are very realistic, mimicking natural teeth perfectly, leaving no one the wiser that anything was missing in the first place. This sort of dental implant also has no impact on the neighboring teeth, which can sometimes be a problem with other dental procedures. A common alternative to a single tooth implant is the tooth-supported fixed bridge, which is notably different from the single tooth implant in that neighboring teeth must be ground down to an extent to support the bridge.

Single tooth implants have other advantages over their commonly selected alternative dental procedures. Single tooth implants replace not only the tooth that was lost, but the root that used to support it, which has the effect of preserving the bone foundation. This is considerably different from alternate procedures, like the tooth-supported fixed bridge, in which some of the bone that once supported the missing tooth deteriorates over time. Single-tooth implants, by avoiding this deterioration, keep your jawbone healthy.

Additionally, but no less important, is the aesthetic benefits that are afforded by a single tooth implant. Since single tooth implants are meant to stand in for the tooth that was lost, as they look and feel just like any other tooth that you have. Common alternative procedures, such as the tooth-supported bridge, tend to suffer from a few ailments in the initial placement stages, such as gum recession, which can expose the metal base of the bridge. It is of course very stressful to have an imperfection in one’s smile for any amount of time, which is one reason why the single tooth implant is so attractive.

What Does Getting a Single Tooth Implant Look Like?

Once we have determined that this is the ideal procedure for you, the basic process of a single tooth implant is fairly straightforward. The first step involves placing a screw into the jaw, allowing it to set into the bone and fuse to it properly. During this time, a temporary tooth can be placed over the site. Depending on the exact type of implant used, a replacement tooth will be attached, and you will be smiling brightly in no time.

Dental implants can be a fantastic restoration option for many patients. To learn more about whether you would be a candidate for them, please call or text us here at Capital Dental Center at 202-978-8778 today.

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Capital Dental Center, 1712 I St NW #1000, Washington, DC 20006 | 202-978-8778 | | 9/30/2024 | Key Phrases: dentist Downtown Washington DC |